Hinweis zum Lastschriftverfahren:
Sofern dem Hochschulsportzentrum noch kein SEPA-Mandat vorliegt, bitte dieses Mandat (Seite 1) umgehend ausdrucken, unterschreiben und im Original im Hochschulsportzentrum abgeben oder per Post (an TU Braunschweig - Hochschulsportzentrum, Franz-Liszt-Straße 34, 38106 Braunschweig) schicken! Wenn möglich ein Deutsches Bankkonto angeben. Andernfalls bitte mit der Geschäftsstelle in Kontakt treten.
Anmeldung für | Vorlesungszeit | Ferienkurs |
Gruppe A | ab Mo, 24.03.2025, 9 Uhr | - |
Gruppe B | ab Mo, 24.03.2025, 9 Uhr | - |
Gruppe C | ab Mo, 07.04.2025, 9 Uhr | - |
English version:
Hip-hop teaches you how to dance to music. After an extensive warm-up and various exercises for isolation, coordination and strengthening, you will learn choreographies.
You will learn the basics, dance choreographies and have plenty of room for self-development. The focus is on musicality, coordination and fitness. Dancers of all levels are welcome. As a beginner you will learn the basics of hip hop and as an experienced dancer you will deepen your foundations.
You will also learn how to freestyle dance independently using various techniques to express yourself in contact with the music. We will sweat, learn and have a lot of fun.
Please note: Teresa's Hip Hop-A F L courses are offered synchronously.
Note on the direct debit procedure:
If the University Sports Center does not yet have a SEPA mandate, please print out this mandate (page 1) immediately, sign it and hand in the original at the University Sports Center or send it by post (to TU Braunschweig - University Sports Center, Franz-Liszt-Straße 34, 38106 Braunschweig)! If possible, specify a German bank account. Otherwise, please contact our office.